The Legacy of Greece, Alexandria, and the Orient | |
The Near Eastern Scene in the Seventh Century | |
The Translations of Philosophical Texts | |
Pre-Socratics, Peripatetics, and Stoics | |
Neo-Platonic Elements: The Apocryphal Theologia Aristotelis and the Liber de Causis | |
Persian and Indian Influences Early Political and Religious Tensions | |
The Religio-Political Factions | |
The Rise of Islamic Scholasticism (Kal?m) Beginnings of Systematic Philosophical Writing in the Ninth Century | |
The First Systematic Philosophical Writer in Islam: Al-Kind? | |
The Rise of Naturalism and the Challenge to Islamic Dogma: Ibn Al-R?z? | |
The Progress of Free Thought and Religious Heterodoxy The Further Development of Islamic Neo-Platonism | |
Al-F?r?b? | |
Ibn S?n? Neo-Pythagoreanism and the Popularization of the Philosophical Sciences | |
Philosophy, the Handmaid of Politics | |
The Mathematico-Philosophical Presuppositions of the Brethren | |
The Cosmology and Metaphysics of the Brethren | |
The Psychology and the Epistemology of the Brethren | |
Conclusion The Diffusion of Philosophical Culture in the Tenth Century | |
Ab? Hayy?n Al-Tauh?d? | |
Miskawayh | |
Yahia b. 'Ad? The Interaction of Philosophy and Dogma | |
The Eclipse of Theological Rationalism | |
The Ash'arite School and the Formulation of the Occasionalist Metaphysics of Atoms and Accidents | |
The Systematic Refutation of Neo-Platonism: Al-Ghaz?l? The Rise and Development of Islamic Mysticism (S?fism) | |
Ascetic Origins | |
Pantheistic Tendencies: Al-Bast?m? (or Al-Bist?m?) | |
Synthesis and Systematization -Al-Ghaz?l? and Ibn 'Arab? | |
R?m?, Supreme Mystical Poet | |
S?fi Orders: S?sim Today The Arab-Spanish Interlude and the Revival of Peripateticism | |
Beginnings of Philosophical Speculation in Muslim Spain: Ibn Masarrah Al-Majr?t?, and Ibn B?jjah | |
Ibn Tufayl and the Natural Progression of the Mind Toward Truth | |
Ibn Rushd and the Defense of Aristotelianism Post-Avicennian Developments: Illumination and the Reaction against Peripateticisim | |
Al-Suhraward? | |
The Subsequent Development of Illuminationism: Sadr Al-D?n Al Sh?r?z? (Mulla Sadr?) and His Successors | |
The Continuity of the Ishr?q? Tradition in Persia Theological Reaction and Reconstruction | |
Literalism and Neo-Hanbalism: Ibn Hazm, Ibn Taymiyah, and Muhammad B. 'Abdul-Wahh?b | |
Moderation and Decline: F. D. Al-R?z?, N. D. Al-Nsaf?,Al- ?j?, Al-Jurj?n?, and Al-B?jur? | |
Reaction and Reconstruction: Ibn Khald?n Modernist Trends | |
The Emergence of the Modernist Spirit: J. D. Al-Afgh?n? and Muhammad 'Abdu | |
Islamic Philosophy in India and Southeast Asia | |
Modernism in India: Sayyid Ahmad Kh?n, Ameer Ali, and Muhammad Iqb?l Contemporary Trends | |
Liberalism, Secularism, and Fundamentalism | |
Existentialism, Positivism, and Marxism | |
Postmodernism and Hermeneutics | |
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved. |