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A Judgement-Free Guide to Feeding Your Baby : Boob, bottle and all - Olivia Hinge

A Judgement-Free Guide to Feeding Your Baby

Boob, bottle and all

By: Olivia Hinge

Paperback | 13 August 2024 | Edition Number 1

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When you've just had a new baby it seems everyone around you suddenly becomes an expert - particularly when it comes to how to feed your newborn. It's an emotional time for new parents when female hormonal balance is skewed, sleep hard to come by and struggling with the pros and cons of how to feed your baby can have a profoundly negative impact on a mother's mental health and sense of self-worth. Here's where Olivia Hinge steps in with her no-judgement, evidence-based guide to help you make the right choices for you and your baby based on fact and not lack of support or misinformation.

There's no wrong or right when it comes to feeding - it's what works for you and your baby, and this handy resource with chapters on feeding cues, length and frequency of feeds, positioning and attachment for breastfeeding, how to supplement if needed, pumping, bottle feeding and teat size, mixed feeding pros and cons, plus a truly comprehensive section dealing with challenges, all delivered in Olivia's imitable style, will make it a popular reference for all new parents.

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