A Military Guide to Property Investing : A targeted approach to conquering your goals - Lachlan Vidler

A Military Guide to Property Investing

A targeted approach to conquering your goals

By: Lachlan Vidler, Tori Colls

Paperback | 31 August 2021 | Edition Number 1

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Product Description

A 10-step guide to achieving financial freedom through property investing.

Property investing has long been recognised as one of the most successful long-term wealth creation strategies. With interest rates at all-time lows, it looks set to continue to be so.

There are so many approaches to property investing, it’s no wonder people struggle to understand the fundamentals that drive success in property. This comprehensive, easy-to-understand guide aims to educate everyday Australians on how they can begin their own property investment journey with ruthless military precision and efficiency.

Written by two former military professionals, Lachlan Vidler and Tori Colls, A Military Guide to Property Investing presents the step-by-step method they followed to amass an impressive portfolio of properties while still in their twenties.

Their approach follows a 10-step plan, that draws on their military experience:

Step 1: Reveille – This is your wake up call to getting started

Step 2: Discipline – Investing can be difficult, discipline and mindset are vital

Step 3: Teamwork – You can’t do it alone, you’ll need professional support

Step 4: Professional Mastery – Mastering the basics of property investing

Step 5: Excellence – Property strategies and factors that influence the property market

Step 6: Mission Analysis - Property research, appraisal and the acquisition process

Step 7: Courage – Be brave enough to take action to achieve your goals

Step 8: Flexibility & Adaptability – There will be setbacks and change to manage

Step 9: Dedication – Continuing after your first investment

Step 10: Loyalty – To yourself, your plans and your investing team

Final Thoughts: Taking Leave – A passive income from property investing will give you choice

Based on the military principles of strategy, discipline and execution, A Military Guide to Property Investing offers a fail-safe plan for everyday Aussies to take control of their financial destiny.
Industry Reviews

'To quote a phrase from this book, "Bravo Zulu" to Lachlan and Tori for writing such an impressive and unique guide to strategic property investment. Their respective military backgrounds have enabled them to craft 10 easy-to-implement steps that create a targeted pathway to property investment success.'

Nicola McDougall

Former Editor, Australian Property Investor magazine,

and Co-founder, Bricks & Mortar Media

'It was a pleasure to read a property investment hard copy with raw substance about Lachlan and Tori's pathway to property success and strategies that can be initiated to find your own pathway to property investment success.

'With military precision, discipline and systematic vision of your goals and objectives, you too can have a strong portfolio.

'I am excited to see the adventure Lachlan and Tori are about to go on in the near future. They have created such a strong platform and business on the back of hard work and their passion for property. A five-star read for anyone about to go on their own property journey!'

Jeremy Iannuzzelli

Partner, Keshab Chartered Accountants

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RRP $34.95

