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A Text-Book on Crystal Physics - W. A. Wooster

A Text-Book on Crystal Physics

By: W. A. Wooster

Paperback | 26 May 2016

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Originally published in 1938, this textbook was primarily designed for university students to provide a solid grounding in the science of crystal physics. Previous knowledge of materials science is considered a prerequisite for the content as well as a solid understanding of physics, mathematics and crystallography. Throughout this book a two-fold purpose has been kept in view - 'to present the classical treatment of the physical properties of crystals in terms of tensor notation and also to indicate the lines of development of modern theoretical and experimental research'. Chapters are broad in scope, detailed and clearly written; chapter titles include, 'Conduction', 'Electric induction' and 'Elasticity'. Multiple diagrams are included throughout for reference. Encompassing the increasingly interdisciplinary nature of the subject and its rapid scientific developments, this textbook will be of significant value to students of physics as well to anyone with an interest in crystallography, geology and the history of education.

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