1.The scope and challenge of sustainable forestry: Philip J. Burton, University of Northern British Columbia, Canada;
Part 1 Tree physiology
2.Advances in understanding root development in forest trees: Donato Chiatante et al.;
3.Advances in understanding canopy development in forest trees: W. Keith Moser et al.;
4.The response of forest trees to abiotic stress: Tanja G. M. Sanders et al.;
Part 2 Forest ecosystem services and climate change
5.Advances in understanding the role of forests in the carbon cycle: Matthew J. McGrath et al.;
6.Trade-offs between management and conservation for the provision of ecosystem services in the southern Patagonian forests: Yamina Micaela Rosas et al.;
7.Advances in understanding forest ecosystem services: conserving biodiversity: Anne Oxbrough et al.;
8.The impact of climate change on forest systems in the northern United States: projections and implications for forest management: W. Keith Moser et al.;
Part 3 Breeding and management
9.Key challenges in forest management: Donald Grebner et al.;
10.Advances in monitoring forest resource status and trends through integration of remote sensing and ground plots: Andrew Lister, USDA Forest Service, USA;
11.Transitioning monocultures to complex forest stands in Central Europe: principles and practice: Hans Pretzsch, Technical University of Munich, Germany;
12.Species choice, planting and establishment in temperate and boreal forests: meeting the challenge of global change: Christophe Orazio, European Forest Institute, France; Peter Freer-Smith et al.;
13.Advances in nutrient and water management in forestry: monitoring, maintaining, and restoring soil health: Daniel G. Neary, USDA Forest Service, USA;
14.Advances in stand management and regeneration: Thomas J. Dean, Louisiana State University, USA;
15.Innovations in forest harvesting technology: Woodam Chung et al.;
Part 4 Pests, diseases and other hazards
16.Advances in understanding and managing insect pests of forest trees: Barbara Bentz et al.;
17.Advances in understanding and managing fungal and other diseases of forest trees: Tod Ramsfield et al.;
18.Advances in managing and monitoring natural hazards and forest disturbances: John A. Stanturf et al.;
Part 5 Developing forest products and services
19.Developing forestry products: timber: David Nicholls, USDA Forest Service, USA;
20.Sustainable production of temperate and boreal nontimber forest products: examples from North America: James L. Chamberlain et al.;
21.Emerging technologies to develop new forest products: Tatjana Stevanovic, Laval University, Canada;
22.Developing forestry recreation services: John Daigle, University of Maine, USA;