Part 1 Quality issues
1.Factors affecting sheep carcass characteristics: Nicola M. Schreurs and Paul R. Kenyon, Massey University, New Zealand;
2.Animal and on-farm factors affecting sheep and lamb meat quality: Nicola M. Schreurs and Paul R. Kenyon, Massey University, New Zealand;
3.Improving sheep wool quality: E. K. Doyle, University of New England, Australia;
4.Producing quality milk from sheep: Sam W. Peterson, Massey University, New Zealand;
Part 2 Genetics and breeding
5.Mapping the sheep genome: Noelle E. Cockett, Utah State University, USA; Brian Dalrymple, University of Western Australia, Australia; James Kijas, CSIRO, Australia; Brenda Murdoch, University of Idaho, USA; and Kim C. Worley, Baylor College of Medicine, USA;
6.Advances in sheep breeding: Julius van der Werf, School of Environmental & Rural Science, University of New England, Australia; and Andrew Swan and Robert Banks, Animal Genetics and Breeding Unit, University of New England, Australia;
7.Improving reproductive efficiency of sheep: J. P. C. Greyling, University of the Free State, South Africa;
Part 3 Animal nutrition and health
8.Sustainably meeting the nutrient requirements of grazing sheep: D. K. Revell, Revell Science and The University of Western Australia, Australia;
9.Sheep nutrition: formulated diets: M. L Thonney, Cornell University, USA;
10.Maintaining sheep flock health: an overview: Neil Sargison, University of Edinburgh, UK;
11.Bacterial and viral diseases affecting sheep: Francesca Chianini, Moredun Research Institute, UK;
12.Sustainable control of gastrointestinal nematode parasites affecting sheep: W. E. Pomroy, Massey University, New Zealand;
13.Understanding and improving immune function in sheep: Gary Entrican and Sean Wattegedera, Moredun Research Institute, UK;
Part 4 Animal welfare
14.Understanding sheep behaviour: R. Nowak, INRA/Université de Tours, France;
15.Validating indicators of sheep welfare: N.J. Beausoleil and D.J. Mellor, Massey University, New Zealand;
16.Improving the welfare of ewes: A. L. Ridler and K. J. Griffiths, Massey University, New Zealand;
17.Improving the welfare of lambs: K. Stafford, Massey University, New Zealand;
18.Humane transport, lairage and slaughter of sheep: P. H. Hemsworth and E. C. Jongman, University of Melbourne, Australia;
Part 5 Sustainability
19.Assessing the environmental impact of sheep production: S. F. Ledgard, AgResearch Ruakura Research Centre, New Zealand
20.Nutritional strategies to minimise emissions from sheep: C. Jamie Newbold, Eli R. Saetnan and Kenton J. Hart, Aberystwyth University, UK;