Advanced Construction and Carpentry Skills - Daniel Bonnici
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Advanced Construction and Carpentry Skills

By: Daniel Bonnici, Patrick Aiken, Stuart Arden, Jack Barrington, Dieter Mylius

Spiral Ringed Book | 1 July 2014

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Advanced Construction and Carpentry Skills is print only.

Advanced Construction & Carpentry Skills utilises content from the highly-regarded Practical Australian Carpentry by Barrington, Mylius and Arden. Reference to Australian building code practices and regulations, Advanced Construction & Carpentry Skills builds on the skills learnt in Basics of Construction and Framing with more advanced coverage of joinery, roofing and wet trades.

Scope: Advanced Construction & Carpentry Skills provides complete coverage across Certificate II in Construction and Certificate III in Carpentry in the CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services training package.

McGraw Hill Construction Titles

Carpentry and Construction, Sixth Edition : Mechanical Engineering - Mark R. Miller