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After The Adults Change : Achievable Behaviour Nirvana - Paul Dix

After The Adults Change

Achievable Behaviour Nirvana

By: Paul Dix

Paperback | 9 July 2021

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In this follow-up to his bestselling book When the Adults Change, Everything Changes, Paul Dix explains how teachers and school leaders can move beyond the behaviour management revolution and build a school culture rooted in relational practice.

There is a behavioural nirvana. One that is calm, purposeful and respectful. Where poor behaviour is as rare as a PE teacher in trousers and where relationships drive achievement. Annoyingly and predictably, the road is hard and the ride bumpy and littered with cliches. It is achievable though. And when you get there it is a little slice of heaven. A revolution in behaviour can be exciting, dynamic and, at times, pleasantly terrifying. But revolution is short-lived.

In After the Adults Change Paul shows you that, after the behaviour of the adults (i.e. the staff) has changed, there is an opportunity to go wider and deeper: to accelerate relational practice, decrease disproportionate punishment and fully introduce restorative, informed and coaching-led cultures. Paul delves into the possibilities for improvement in pupil behaviour and teacher-pupil relationships, drawing further upon a hugely influential behaviour management approach whereby expectations and boundaries are exemplified by calm, consistent and regulated adults.

Industry Reviews

After the Adults Change is a manifesto for change in schools, and is particularly relevant at a time when society has realised the huge importance and role of schools in delivering more than simply academic education. Paul is passionate, knowledgeable and pragmatic throughout a setting out clearly the road map for schools to reclaim pastoral support, which will chime sonorously with teachers and school leaders. He also addresses, in detail, the lethal mutations arising from misinterpretation of restorative practice.Calm, consistent adults, first attention to best conduct, and relentless routines put our children in the best position to learn and provide the best conditions for teachers to teach. If you read this book and implement the ideas within, you can achieve behavioural nirvana in your school.

Phil Naylor, Podcast Host, Nayloras Natter, deputy head teacher and local authority governor

After the Adults Change is the perfect guide to strengthening relationships with children and young people and to ensuring positive behaviour, from both children and adults. We know that all behaviour is influenced by relationships, and that every teacher, teaching assistant and school leader wants good relationships within their school. Unsurprisingly, our children want good relationships too! However, achieving a relationships-based approach to behaviour, especially if nurture and compassion are not driving the ethos, can be hugely daunting. This book should be your companion to introducing and embedding relational approaches, whether on a class or whole school level. It is a hugely practical resource for every adult who works with children and young people. Paul's authenticity speaks to you throughout this book, and his commitment to secure thriving, relationship-based interactions as the bedrock to effective learning and teaching is compelling. His self-deprecating humour and insightfulness are a perfect mix. I found myself laughing out loud at some of Paul's experiences, and pausing often for a quiet reflection on my own experiences and behaviours as a teacher and school leader. I also confess to much smiling and nodding! Paul is unafraid of challenging those practices which do not meet people's needs, and offers a range of strategies to encourage a calm, child-centred approach.

Jennifer M. Knussen, Head Teacher, Pitteuchar East Primary School and Nursery

After the Adults Change is a refreshing, intelligent, thought-provoking and easy-to-read book. I love the layout and how Paul uses evidence based theory and real-life case studies to support his writing. The book contains many new heart-centred approaches and takeaways to put into practice, especially at the end of each chapter in the aStop that!', aHow to lead it' and aNuggets' sections. I could, in fact, write a book about this book (and include extracts of Paul's school reports!); however, I will stop and allow you to read and digest this groundbreaking book for yourself.

Laura Henry-Allain, MBE, award-winning global writer, speaker and consultant

After the Adults Change is catnip for anyone who gets the importance of relationships in schools. Grounded in a deep understanding of the dynamics of the classroom and school setting, Dix writes with compassion and humour, underpinned by strong values and a commitment to transform outcomes for those marginalised by outdated approaches. Crammed full of practical examples, this brilliant follow-up to When the Adults Change, Everything Changes does not shrink from the gritty realities of implementation. Excellent advice sits alongside prompts for reflection which will galvanise those who have already embarked on the journey and inspire those who are about to. Accessible, essential reading for everyone working in schools.

Ruth McKay, Head Teacher, Portobello High School

If you came into teaching to make a difference, then reading this book will make a difference to you. I've seen the benefits of adopting Paul's straightforward, consistent routines for managing behaviour, and how they contribute to a positive culture and sense of security. This book isn't just about supporting the children who bring behavioural challenges; it also has practical ideas and advice and recognises the needs of those children who just want to learn. After the Adults Change has something for everyone and you can continue to dip in finding new things to consider. Being a scientist and a school governor, I found the information on brain science and the section on governors particularly thought-provoking. I was also nodding along with the points addressing attendance, too.Paul reminds us that being amore tortoise' reaps benefits, with the children needing time to change and the adults even longer. In the fast paced world we live, allowing ourselves time is important. It's a journey a on board the behaviour bus. Give it a go!

Sharon Pascoe, Head Teacher, Fochriw Primary School and Bryn Awel Primary School

If you want to transform the way that your school community adoes behaviour', then After the Adults Change is the book for you. Paul's strong belief, based on real-life research and practice, that the culture of a school is a reflection of the behaviour and attitude of the adults is compelling and truly inspirational. The book is packed with engaging advice and witty anecdotes of Paul's vast experience in the sustainable positive change of school behaviour culture. I firmly believe that if all schools adopted Paul's approach then we wouldn't be scratching our heads as to why children sometimes behave the way they do.

Marc Doyle, Director of Education, Consilium Academies, and experienced head teacher

In Paul Dix's awe-inspiring second book he guides us on the pathway to achieving abehavioural nirvana'. He recaps the changes the adults can make to create a relational environment in the school setting, and challenges us to dig deeper and make this intrinsic in the very soul of the school community. This process is no rush job, but rather a pathway a with Paul as the guide. The pathway may meander, but he shows us the benefits that will be reaped on the journey. As well as the array of inspiring case studies, we are given precise support which can be used simply and effectively in schools. Paul shows us that the ripples from small changes go a long way to facilitate the shift needed long term. On reading After the Adults Change we understand the need for staff to sing from the same song sheet, and luckily Paul Dix has written a beautiful song.

Chris Dyson, Head Teacher, Parklands Primary School

In Paul Dix's latest book After the Adults Change, there is a recognition that the questions of how we improve the behaviour in our schools is one that very much polarises opinion. From the opening page, Paul clearly sets out where he stands from a deeply personal perspective. His approach is based on meeting the needs of every child and not just those in a position to engage with learning. His approach is relational rather than transactional and is underpinned by empathy, consistency and decency. Paul does not deny that this is a messy business, and neither does he claim that there are easy answers, but that is a whole lot better than pretending otherwise.In this book he exposes the practice of punishing young people who, because of their life experience, cannot self-regulate as not only immoral but also completely ineffective. He offers an alternative, but one that requires skill and utilises the power of emotionally consistent adult behaviour. I already agree with his approach, and didn't need to be convinced a but I still found myself scribbling notes on how I could explicitly articulate the awhy' of this approach and also on how to improve our school's systems, making use of the many practical examples provided. With impressive clarity, Paul focuses on authenticity over gimmicks and provides an outstanding framework for improving behaviour in a culture where understanding replaces blame and responsibility stems from positive relationships.

Stephen Kelly, Head Teacher, Liberton High School

It is too easy for adults to go straight to blame children a what I love about Paul's writing is that, in both this book and his previous one, he keeps the focus on what adults need to do in order to change children's behaviours. Achieving change is not rocket science but it does take diligence and doing the right thing relentlessly, and in After the Adults Change Paul successfully breaks it down into manageable chunks. The book is also packed full of great examples of good practice, offering something for everyone.This book is a must-read for all who work with children and young people.

Maureen McKenna, Executive Director of Education, Glasgow City Council

Once again, Paul Dix provides a straight-talking practical blueprint to help schools create a positive and constructive culture around behaviour and relationships. Paul's wealth of experience makes After the Adults Change a modern classic and a book of the times that is an essential read for all school leaders. If you're looking to change your thinking on how you proactively build a positive learning climate in your school, look no further.

Jon Tait, Deputy CEO and Director of School Improvement, AretA Learning Trust

Our organisation strives to genuinely provide students with a rounded education of the head, heart and hand. When I took up post as head of school, I knew that the heart element of that combination had to be the foundational bedrock from which everything else could be built upon. Paul Dix's first book, When the Adults Change, Everything Changes, became my go-to handbook for achieving this. Every staff member was gifted a copy upon arrival. Fast-forward to now, and After the Adults Change feels like it is timed just for us on our journey. It acts as a mirror: inspiring deep reflection as you read, as well as bursts of pride when you see your own context reflected in the words. It also serves as an update to maps app a pointing out tweaks, matured strategies and new next steps a and as a finishing kit: equipped with everything from polishing cloths to rough sandpaper for going back in and crafting the beautiful touches on the culture masterpiece you are working on in your own school. After the Adults Change is a must-read for anyone working in schools.

Anna Kyrk, Head of Middle School, School 21

Paul Dix is amazing! His writing is full of warmth and sincerity, and his care for teachers and students shines through in his latest offering. In our post-COVID-19 world, teachers and educators need to keep supporting our kids through these turbulent times a and After the Adults Change shows us how it can be done!

Karl C. PupA, teacher, founder of, and author of The Action Hero Teacher: Classroom Management Made Simple

Paul Dix talks some of the best sense of anyone I have had the good fortune to work with in education. How can anyone not want a culture which exudes calm and consistency, and where relationships are at the heart of a school and all it aspires to? All children deserve to feel safe, loved and valued a and if this is your mantra, then grab this book with both hands and enjoy the read. From behaviour management strategy to everyday practical tips, there is something for everyone in After the Adults Change. Here's to continuing the revolution and ensuring that school years lead to a bright future of choice and opportunity for all.

Katie Roberts, Head Teacher, Da Vinci Academy

This book is about sustained, achievable, long-term school improvement. The behaviour nirvana is characterised by an embedded whole school culture of high expectations, the development of skilled and reflective professional practitioners, and high levels of pupil agency.

Simon Kidwell, Head Teacher, Hartford Manor Primary School and Nursery

Where to start ... The meeting with Nick Gibb? The torturous arules lesson' so readily and rightly condemned? The spotlight once again shone on the perverse notion that removing a child from the environment in which they are failing to succeed will somehow lead to further success? All of the above struck chords as I read After the Adults Change, but to cling to them would be to fall into a atold you so' mindset that couldn't be further removed from the tone, message and intent of this truly wonderful piece of work. Paul Dix's book is written with a kindness and sensitivity that mirrors exactly the tone that a classroom or school built on aready, respectful and safe' would have. It is a positive, supportive and considered work that provides numerous reminders of why we do what we do along with strategies and suggestions, genuine examples of these in practice, and the characteristic, self-deprecating humour that made When the Adults Change, Everything Changes such an accessible and yet powerful read. If you are someone working with young people, Paul's books will enable you to build powerful and meaningful relationships. In fact, anyone working with people full stop will find them invaluable.

Colin Goffin, Director of Education, Big Picture Learning UK

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