AI for Design and Optimization of Cellular Networks - Juan Ramiro-Moreno

AI for Design and Optimization of Cellular Networks

By: Juan Ramiro-Moreno (Editor), Rafia Inam (Editor), Wenfeng Hu (Editor)

Hardcover | 24 December 2025

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Vital information on AI, ML, and 5G, and implementing these topics for cellular network design and optimization

AI for Design and Optimization of Cellular Networks focuses on the intersection of cellular communications and AI, discussing current advances, key concepts, challenges, opportunities, and lifecycle management. Divided into two parts, the first part provides the background of AI and cellular communications, exploring the challenges that are associated with creation, deployment, operation, and maintenance of systems for the design and optimization of cellular networks. The second part explains the process of network planning, design, and optimization of cellular networks, including examples and use cases in each area. The second part also discusses the application of AI to energy saving, the challenges that operators face, and a glimpse of future trends for AI, cellular networks, and their related NDO (Network Design and Optimization) activities.

The book also includes coverage of AI-powered design technologies, performance characterization of advanced antenna systems, propagation predictions, and more.

With heavy contribution from industry professionals at Ericsson, AI for Design and Optimization of Cellular Networks includes detailed information on:

  • Evolution of cellular communications from the early GSM days until today, with special emphasis on the arrival of 5G and its implications compared with LTE
  • Supervised, unsupervised, semi-supervised, and reinforcement learning with an intuitive focus, covering their distinctive characteristics
  • Different types of digital twins, their fundamental properties, their suitability for design and optimization of cellular networks, and using them together with AI techniques
  • Transition from traditional network performance management and operations towards an AI-driven combination of control loops

An informed and timely exploration of key developments and challenges by those who work on the frontline, AI for Design and Optimization of Cellular Networks is an essential resource for professionals working in cellular communications and AI, providing a one-of-a-kind blend of practical and theoretical information.

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