Alice-Miranda At School : Alice-Miranda Series : Book 1  - Jacqueline Harvey

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Alice-Miranda At School

By: Jacqueline Harvey

Paperback | 1 February 2010 | Edition Number 1

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Move over, Matilda, and step aside, Madeline, there's a new charming miniature heroine about to make her mark.

Can one tiny girl change a very big school?

Alice-Miranda Highton-Smith-Kennington-Jones is waving goodbye to her weeping parents and starting her first day at boarding school. But something is wrong at Winchesterfield-Downsfordvale Academy for Proper Young Ladies. The headmistress, Miss Grimm, hasn't been seen for ten years. The prize-winning flowers are gone. And a mysterious stranger is camping in the greenhouse.

Alice-Miranda must complete a series of impossible tests. Can she really beat the meanest, most spoilt girl at school in a solo sailing mission? Could she camp in the forest all on her own for five whole days and nights? Well, of course. This is Alice-Miranda, after all.

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