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All That I Am : 1 MP3 Audio MP3 CD Included - Anna Funder

All That I Am

1 MP3 Audio MP3 CD Included

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One September morning, elderly Ruth Wesemann wakes to the sound of a parcel being delivered to her door. Inside she finds a tattered little notebook. Opening its delicate pages she meets with a flood of memories ...

When Hitler comes to power in 1933, a tight-knit group of friends and lovers become hunted outlaws overnight. United in their resistance to the madness and tyranny of Nazism, they must flee the country.

Dora, passionate and fearless, her lover, the great playwright Ernst Toller, her younger cousin Ruth and Ruth's husband Hans find refuge in London. Here they take breathtaking risks in order to continue their work in secret.

But with each breathtaking act of courage and every person that they trust, they cannot help but risk betrayal and deceit. And then, one day, they face the chilling realisation that Hitler's reach extends much further than they had thought, even to London itself.

Inspiring, tragic and based on real events, All That I Am is a masterful and devastating novel of bravery and betrayal, of the risks and sacrifices that people endure to protect their beliefs and of discovering remarkable heroism hidden in the most unexpected of places.

About the Author

Anna Funder is the author of the internationally acclaimed prize-winner Stasiland, and the No. 1 bestselling novel All That I am. Anna Funder’s writing has received numerous accolades and awards. Her essays, feature articles and columns have appeared in The Guardian, The Sunday Times, The Sydney Morning Herald, The Monthly, Ny Tid, Best Australian Essays and Best Australian Science Writing. A sought-after speaker, Anna has toured in many countries. A former DAAD (Berlin), Australia Council, NSW Writing Fellow and Rockefeller Foundation Fellow, in 2011 Anna was named in the ‘Top 100 People of Influence’ by the Sydney Morning Herald. In 2011 Anna was appointed to the Literature Board of the Australia Council for the Arts.

Before turning to writing full-time in the late 1990’s, Anna worked as an international lawyer for the Australian Government focusing on human rights, constitutional law, and treaty negotiation. After jettisoning a legal career to write Stasiland, she jobbed for a time as a radio and television documentary producer at the ABC. Anna holds BA (Hons), LLB (Hons) and an M.A. and a Doctorate in Creative Arts, and speaks fluent French and German. She grew up in Melbourne and Paris, and lives in Brooklyn, New York with her husband and three children.

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