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Ally Dog Team Training Workbook : How to Mindfully Train an ESA for Trauma Survivors - Vicki Jurica

Ally Dog Team Training Workbook

How to Mindfully Train an ESA for Trauma Survivors

By: Vicki Jurica, Melissa Laub

Paperback | 12 November 2021

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Ally Dog Team Training Workbook: How to Mindfully Train an ESA for Trauma Survivors

The Ally Dog Team⢠Training Workbook offers an exciting new way of mitigating post traumatic stress responses. By combining the healing modality of Mindfulness with Animal Assisted Therapy dog training, survivors of trauma can lessen the impact their experience has on their lives through deepening their relationship with their dog. 

This comprehension workbook sets the foundation for survivors and their dog to develop a powerful relationship through learning the science of trauma and traumatic stress responses, the healing strategies within Mindfulness practice, emotional awareness of Self and dog, human and dog communication, and positive reinforcement dog training. 

There is an art to any relationship between two sentient beings.  Through active listening, respectful engagement and practice, survivors and their dog develop a training team partnership that positively impacts the mental health of both. It's through that relationship, healing occurs. From awareness to intentional response to trauma specific symptoms, survivors are empowered through mindful contemplation to tap into their own resiliency, supported by their dog who has also learned specialized skills to offer in support to their human.   

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