Analytisches Worterbuch Des Meroitischen /Analytic Meroitic Dictionary, Volume 1 : Studien Zu Den Ritualszenen Altagyptischer Tempel - Jochen Hallof

Analytisches Worterbuch Des Meroitischen /Analytic Meroitic Dictionary, Volume 1

By: Jochen Hallof

Hardcover | 31 March 2022

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With the Analytic Meroitic Dictionary in six volumes, the first comprehensive catalogue of the words and lexemes of the most ancient recorded language of Black Africa will be presented. It is based on the analysis of 2,370 published and unpublished inscriptions with altogether 23,900 words, which can be assigned to 9,300 lexemes. For the lexemes, proposed translations and cognates in ancient contemporary languages are given, if possible. Within the lexemes, the words are classified according to their use and the examples are listed in their context. For the Analytic Meroitic Dictionary, all published texts were carefully examined. The underlying transliterations, on which the dictionary is based, are presented in a separate document volume.

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