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Angels of Death - Emily Webb

Angels of Death

By: Emily Webb

Paperback | 1 January 2015

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It’s hard to imagine that anyone in the healthcare industry could have murder on his or her mind.
But some do.

The nineteen cases in this book range across Europe, US and Australia, documenting horrifying and sinister betrayals of trust.

From Harold Shipman, Britain’s worst serial killer who murdered over 200 patients, to Roger Dean the Sydney nurse who in 2011 set fire to the nursing home where he worked killing 11 patients, these stories will make you wary and leave you shaking your head in horror.

About the Author

Emily Webb is a Melbourne-based journalist for Leader Community Newspapers whose first true crime book Murder In Suburbia was released in January 2014.

Emily is Aussie-born and spent several years living in London where she tripped about, did lots of different jobs (including transcribing undercover police tapes at The city of London Police), married a Welshman and had a career diversion where she retrained as a high school English teacher.

She lives in suburbia with her husband and two children.

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