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Antitrust Abuse in the New Economy : The Microsoft Case - Richard L. Gordon

Antitrust Abuse in the New Economy : The Microsoft Case

By: Richard L. Gordon


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Contents: Preface 1. Introduction: The Case and Its Critics 2. Modern Economics and the Microsoft Case 3. Determinants of Monopoly in Theory and Practice 4. Predation, Tying, Vertical Squeezes, and Other Competitive Tactics 5. QWERTY: Threat or Fable, Towards the Applications Barrier to Entry 6. Introduction to the Case 7. The Treatment of Monopoly in the Case 8. Microsoft's Tactics: Predation, Tying, and Threats in Theory 9. Microsoft's Tactics: Predation, Tying, and Threats in Practice 10. After the Facts: Decisions and Commentary 11. Summary and Conclusions Bibliography Index.
Industry Reviews
'This volume is a careful discussion valuable for its reporting of and attention to details discussed elsewhere only in more general terms. The comprehensive bibliography lists about 225 publications, making this a good resource for publications on Microsoft up to early 2001. Highly recommended for general readers, professionals, and academic audiences, upper-division undergraduates through faculty.' -- R.A. Miller, Choice
'This is by far the most thorough, detailed, and careful economic analysis of the Microsoft case by a non-partisan third party. The author provides a window into the central set of ideas that provided the groundwork of the case and painstakingly presents the material in a manner that can be understood by readers. He also examines, in a clear and unbiased way, the testimony of the economists on both sides of the case. Anyone interested in fundamental ideas and concepts, as opposed to superficial anecdotes, should consult this book. This book would be an excellent choice in or out of the classroom.' -- Stan Liebowitz, University of Texas, Dallas, US
'Gordon has provided us with a detailed roadmap of the economic argument of the Microsoft case, including a thorough examination of the economic theories that were used and an exceptionally careful examination of the trial record. He shows the remarkable weakness of both the theory and evidence that underpin the government's case. The result is an indictment of both the legal process in the case and antitrust in general.' -- Stephen E. Margolis, North Carolina State University, US

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