Preface | |
The Ancient Sky | |
Mayan Venus Tables | |
Proof That the Earth Is a Sphere | |
Celestial Surveying | |
Measuring the Earth's Circumference | |
Precession of the Equinoxes | |
Ptolemy'sAlmagest | |
Revolutions | |
Copernicus and the Sun-Centered Universe | |
Tycho Brahe and the Changing Heavens | |
Johannes Kepler and Planetary Motion | |
Galileo Initiates the Telescopic Era | |
Newton's Universal Law of Gravity | |
Halley's Comet | |
Binary Stars | |
Taking Measure | |
The Speed of Light | |
The Solar System's Origin | |
Discovery of Uranus | |
Stars Moving and Changing | |
The First Asteroid | |
Distance to a Star | |
Discovery of Neptune | |
The Shape of the Milky Way | |
Spiraling Nebulae | |
Touching the Heavens | |
Spectral Lines | |
Deciphering the Solar Spectrum | |
Gaseous Nebulae | |
Doppler Shifts and Spectroscopic Binaries | |
Classification of the Stars | |
Giant Stars and Dwarf Stars | |
Hydrogen: The Prime Element | |
Stellar Mass, Luminosity, and Stability | |
Sunspot Cycle, Sun/Earth Connection, and Helium | |
Origin of Meteors and Shooting Stars | |
Cosmic Rays | |
Discovery of Pluto | |
Einsteinian Cosmos | |
Special Relativity and E = mc2 | |
General Relativity and the Solar Eclipse Test | |
Relativistic Models of the Universe | |
Big Bang Versus Steady State | |
White Dwarf Stars | |
Beyond the White Dwarf | |
Supernovae and Neutron Stars | |
Black Holes | |
Source of Stellar Power | |
Creating Elements in the Big Bang | |
Cosmic Microwave Background Predicted | |
Creating Elements in the Stars | |
A Star's Life Cycle | |
The Milky Way and Beyond | |
Cepheids: The Cosmic Standard Candles | |
Sun's Place in the Milky Way | |
Dark Nebulae and Interstellar Matter | |
Discovery of Other Galaxies | |
Expansion of the Universe | |
Stellar Populations and Resizing the Universe | |
Mapping the Milky Way's Spiral Arms | |
Source and Composition of Comets | |
New Eyes, New Universe | |
Radio Astronomy | |
Interstellar Hydrogen | |
Molecules in Space | |
Van Allen Radiation Belts | |
Geology of Mars | |
Extrasolar X-Ray Sources | |
Quasars | |
Evidence for the Big Bang | |
Pulsars | |
The Infrared Sky and the Galactic Center | |
Neutrino Astronomy | |
Gamma-Ray Bursts | |
Binary Pulsar and Gravity Waves | |
Accelerating Outward | |
Dark Matter | |
Gravitational Lensing | |
Inflation | |
The Bubbly Universe | |
Galaxy Evolution and the Hubble Deep Field | |
Extrasolar Planets | |
The Accelerating Universe Notes | |
Bibliography | |
Acknowledgments | |
Index | |
Table of Contents provided by Publisher. All Rights Reserved. |