Artist's Painting Techniques - DK

Artist's Painting Techniques

By: DK

Hardcover | 1 August 2016 | Edition Number 1

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Kickstart your creativity and develop your own painting style

Kickstart your creativity and create a masterpiece with step-by-step workshops and advice from professional artists.

Whether you want to try your hand at painting for the first time or brush up on your artistic skills, Artist's Painting Techniques is for you. Learn how to work with watercolours, oils, and acrylics and discover everything you need to know about tone, colour, pattern, brushwork, and composition with detailed advice for beginner, intermediate, and advanced painters.

Fully illustrated, step-by-step workshops from professional artists guide you through more than 80 painting techniques including laying a flat wash, painting fur, and creating impasto sculptural effects. All techniques are accompanied by inspiring exercises and projects to try at home to help you develop your skills, discover your own style, and grow as an artist.

Master every aspect of painting with this essential guide, from choosing a subject to mounting your first piece. Whatever your level of expertise, you can learn to paint with confidence - and perhaps create a masterpiece (or two) along the way.

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