Atomic Physics : Oxford Master Series in Physics - C.J. Foot
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Atomic Physics

By: C.J. Foot

Paperback | 25 November 2004

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This text will thoroughly update the existing literature on atomic physics. Intended to accompany an advanced undergraduate course in atomic physics, the book will lead the students up to the latest advances and the applications to Bose-Einstein Condensation of atoms, matter-wave inter-ferometry and quantum computing with trapped ions. The elementary atomic physics covered in the early chapters should be accessible to undergraduates when they are first introduced to the subject. To complement the usual quantum mechanical treatment of atomic structure the book strongly emphasizes the experimental basis of the subject, especially in the later chapters. It includes ample tutorial material (examples, illustrations, chapter summaries, graded problem sets).
Industry Reviews
`This is a very timely book. The author has chosen a very modern set of topics, ones that increasingly are at the heart of the field of atomic and optical physics... I am aware of no competing textbook that offers this wide selection of topics at the cutting edge of this discipline.' Chris Greene, University of Colorado, Boulder `...a useful text on atomic physics and fills something of a gap between traditional textbooks and highly specialised books on the more modern topics.' Charles Adams, University of Durham `The approach to the modern topics, in particular the many connections to the classical developments of the field is masterly done.' Klaus Molmer, University of Aarhus

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