Attachment Processes in Couple and Family Therapy - Susan M. Johnson

Attachment Processes in Couple and Family Therapy

By: Susan M. Johnson (Editor), Valerie E. Whiffen (Editor)

Paperback | 15 December 2005 | Edition Number 1

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This practical book presents cutting-edge approaches to couple and family therapy that use attachment theory as the basis for new clinical understandings. Fresh and provocative insights are provided on the nature of interactions between adult partners and among parents and children; the role of attachment in distressed and satisfying relationships; and the ways attachment-oriented interventions can address individual problems as well as marital conflict and difficult family transitions. With contributions from leading clinicians and researchers, the volume offers both general strategies and specific techniques for helping clients build stronger, more supportive relational bonds.
Industry Reviews

For decades, the family therapy field seemed addicted to the idea that families and couples `operate like machines. Fortunately, attachment theory has come on the scene of late to give couple and family therapists a secure conceptual base for understanding what is fundamental to close, committed relationships. Johnson and Whiffen's outstanding new book organizes the best of what is known about attachment theory and family therapy, and will serve as a springboard for creative new developments in this important area for a long time to come.--Alan S. Gurman, PhD, Department of Psychiatry, University of Wisconsin Medical School

Johnson and Whiffen should be commended for providing a remarkable resource for couple and family therapists and researchers alike. This book brings together a stellar set of contributions offering a unique blend of basic scholarship and creative application. The result is essential reading for graduate students and a 'must-have' handbook for clinicians of all theoretical persuasions. Readers will find a theoretical framework for the field of couple and family therapy that is comprehensive, data-based, and integrative. I enthusiastically recommend this volume to anyone interested in couple and family functioning or strategies of intervention.--Steven R. H. Beach, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Georgia

This impressive volume provides a theory-rich account of human attachment bonds and the development and treatment of relationship problems. It draws together leading researchers and clinicians in the areas of developmental psychology, social psychology, and couple and family therapy. The contributors offer new insights into the links among emotional experience, relationship behavior, and individual adjustment, together with valuable techniques for strengthening intimate relationships.--Judith A. Feeney, PhD, School of Psychology, University of Queensland, Australia

This book has been an excellent addition to my training curriculum. As a text in a graduate-level marriage and family therapy training seminar, the book provides students with an essential theoretical foundation for understanding the manifestation of attachment dynamics in a clinical setting. Its coverage of diverse clinical applications and populations is invaluable to the students as they work to integrate theory and practice.--Craig W. Smith, PhD, Marriage and Family Therapy Program, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- The editors of this book have done well in ensuring that, whenever possible, recommended therapeutic interventions are data based....The various chapters are well written; they are free of jargon and cohere beautifully into an integrated whole, balancing theory, clinical practice, and research. --Psychiatric Services, 12/17/2005?? Dramatically changed the way I think about couple therapy....I quite literally found every chapter of this book useful in expanding my knowledge of attachment theory in the context of couple and family therapy. --Couples Research and Therapy Newsletter, 12/17/2005

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