Australia Big : Features 8 of Pete Cromer's best loved Australian bird and mammal collages - Pete Cromer

Australia Big

Features 8 of Pete Cromer's best loved Australian bird and mammal collages

By: Pete Cromer

Board Book | 17 October 2023

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Discover Australia's unique animals through Pete Cromer's bold and beautiful animal portraits.

This gallery in a book features 8 of his best loved Australian bird and mammal collages from Pete Cromer: Australia, curated by native wildlife big and small.

Pete's wildly popular Australian paper cut artworks are now reimagined in this stunning two part collection of board books for animal and art lovers of all ages to enjoy.

Pete Cromer is one of Australia's most popular artists, and his art is instantly recognizable. His artwork is renowned for its signature bursts of glowing color and beautiful textures, all reflected in his bold collages, paintings and sculptures.

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