Australian Bush Pubs  : A celebration of outback Australia's iconic watering holes - Craig Lewis

Australian Bush Pubs

A celebration of outback Australia's iconic watering holes

By: Craig Lewis, Cathy Savage

Paperback | 15 August 2010

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Product Description
Australian Bush Pubs A celebration of outback Australia's iconic watering holes

From the authors of Australia's favourite bush camping and 4WD guides comes a striking review of Australia's iconic bush pubs. No-one is in a better position to know which are the countries most extraordinary bush pubs - or to write about and photograph them. Lavishly illustrated with striking and fascinating full-colour photographs, Australian Bush Pubs features an eclectic collection of the outback's historic watering holes, including such classics as Queensland's famous Birdsville Hotel and New South Wales's characterful Tilpa Hotel. The accompanying text portrays a short history of each establishment along with any unusual aspects, such as happenings, famous patrons and even ghosts!

About the Authors

Craig Lewis and Cathy Savage established Boiling Billy Publications in 1995 and have been travelling, camping out and writing ever since. This title is their 20th Australian bush travel book.