Automotive Mechanics Volume 1 and 2 Shrinkwrap - Ed May

Automotive Mechanics Volume 1 and 2 Shrinkwrap

By: Ed May, Les Simpson

Paperback | 1 September 2009 | Edition Number 8

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Shrinkwrap features Volume 1 and Volume 2 of the renowned Automotive Mechanics texts now available in their eighth edition.
This market leading Automotive Mechanics text has been completely updated with new and revised content covering all the most relevant developments in the Australian automotive industry.

The eighth edition of May and Simpson's Automotive Mechanics Volume 1 covers principles, applications and general servicing requirements that relate to passenger and light commercial vehicles. With full-colour illustrations and photographs, this new edition provides thorough coverage of the most relevant developments in the Australian automotive industry.

The two volumes of Automotive Mechanics encourage students' understanding by using practical explanations and design features such as safety tips, handy hints, review questions, technical terms and glossary.

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