Awaken Dreamer - Shelley Cass

Awaken Dreamer

Author: Shelley Cass

Narrated by: Shelley Cass

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'Soldier Lili has been having dreams about freedom. Her doctor says she's glitching.

Mitch is a real star. He's been making dreams come true since the dawn of time.

However now that it's dreamer Lili's turn, Mitch must deal with what a nightmare her futuristic, dystopian world has become. A world where dreams are dying ... even when you wish upon the best star going round.'

A soul cannot settle until its true purpose has been fulfilled. It will wander from one lifetime to the next, unless it is given aid. So if dreams are dying - what will happen to the star who grants them? And what will happen to the unfulfilled dreamers?

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