This innovative two-stories-in-one picture book follows the adventures of a young dragon named Theo, who wakes up with a positive attitude and has a great day, and conversely, wakes up with a negative attitude and has a terrible day.
Emotions are powerful, and learning how to manage them is a key life skill. The Awesome, Terrible Day is an innovative, two-stories-in-one picture book that explores a single day in the life of a young dragon named Theo, but with two very different outcomes as a result of Theo's choices. Children follow along as Theo wakes up with a sunny attitude and ultimately has a happy day because of his decisions to approach each situation positively. Young readers can then flip the book over to read the story of Theo experiencing the same activities, but with very different outcomes, because he has chosen to have a negative attitude.
- This engaging book will help children learn how to manage their emotions, as well as understand that they have the power to make choices about how they feel.
- They will see through Theo's actions that ones attitude can have a lasting impact on the events of the day.
About the Author
Clever Publishing was founded in 2010 with the purpose of changing children's lives for the better. We create a world full of fascinating experiences for families through our books, games, sets, and series. Focusing on Pre-school and Edutainment, we've developed a wide range of innovative formats with modern teaching techniques. Kids love to read, touch, and play while learning, so our program includes products for all ages, including box sets; board books; puzzle books; learning flash cards; interactive coloring, activity, and word play formats; and boards games for the entire family. Our dream team - more than 100 employees worldwide - have a comprehensive understanding and knowledge of children's books. With this expertise, we present products that are fun, entertaining, and vibrant. We are modern and educational and strive to always emphasize the importance of first experiences. We connect to the needs of busy parents and aim to enrich the time spent with their children. Our goal is to make children - as well as their parents happy!