Ayurveda for Life : A Beginner's Guide to Balance and Vitality - Monica Bloom

Ayurveda for Life

A Beginner's Guide to Balance and Vitality

By: Monica Bloom

Hardcover | 14 September 2021

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The Indian practice of Ayurveda is the original self-care movement going back 5,000 years. This holistic healing system acknowledges that we are all unique, and in Live Your Best Life Ayurveda, Ayurvedic lifestyle counselor Monica Bloom shows you how to easily apply it to your unique life--every day, from morning until bedtime.

When your body, mind, and spirit are aligned, you will prevent health problems, gain clarity, reach your goals, and feel your best.Achieve this balance by establishing a daily routine of:
  • Waking up before sunrise (even if it's just 10 minutes before )
  • Cleansing the sense organs
  • Breathing exercises (5 minutes a day)
  • Meditating (5 to 10 minutes a day)
  • Drinking plenty of water
  • Eating a healthy, whole-food diet customized for you (based on your dosha)
  • Exercising (30 minutes a day)
  • Minimizing stress (by looking forward to going to work)
  • Sleeping
  • Gaining clarity
  • Being able to quickly rebalance if things get off-kilter
Live Your Best Life Ayurveda also includes a thorough overview of Ayurveda, a What Dosha Are You? test, and more advanced Ayurvedic practices, along with the easy-to-follow daily step-by-step guidance, all conveyed through Monica's approachable, practical, and entertaining instruction. So, whether you're an overworked mom or millennial (or both), this book will help you get--and stay--balanced to live your best life.

The Live Well series from Rock Point invites you to create a life you love through multiple acts of self-discovery and reinvention. These encouraging gift books touch on fun yet hardworking self-improvement strategies, whether it's learning to value progress over perfection, taking time to meditate and slow down to literally smell the roses, or finding time to show gratitude and develop a personal mantra. From learning how to obtain more restful sleep and creating a healthy work/life balance to developing personal style and your own happy place, the Live Well series encourages you to live your best life.

Other titles in the series include: Progress Over Perfection; Find Your Flow; Be Happy; Seeking Slow; Finding Gratitude; Eff This Meditation; The Joy of Forest Bathing; Find Your Mantra; It Had to be You; Men's Society; Genius Jokes; The Calm and Cozy Book of Sleep; Burn Bright (Not Out); Choose Happy; and You Got This.

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