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Baby Names Australia 2022 : Thousands of names and inspirational in-depth advice on choosing the right name for your baby - Eleanor Turner

Baby Names Australia 2022

Thousands of names and inspirational in-depth advice on choosing the right name for your baby

By: Eleanor Turner, Cathy Proctor (Contribution by)

Paperback | 25 November 2021

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Are you having trouble choosing a name for your baby?

Do your parents want to follow a family tradition? Does your partner really like a name you absolutely hate? Or do you just need some inspiration?

Choosing a name for your newborn can be a challenge. Family, in-laws, friends and countless others all want to be involved in giving your new baby a perfect name. Naming your baby is one of the first things you give your newborn, so its right to think long and hard about the name that you and your partner will give your little one. If you're struggling for inspiration Baby Names 2022 provides you with over 8000 names, separated into boys and girls names and all listed with their meanings. So whether your baby is a Joel or Jamel, Helena or Heidi, you'll be able to find the perfect name in Baby Names 2022. As well as thousands of names to choose from Baby Names 2022 includes the year's most popular names, celebrity choices and trends from 2021, plus great tips and advice on choosing a name.

About the Author

Naming enthusiast Eleanor Turner has penned over nineteen bestselling baby names books. She regularly writes for the parenting media and is often interviewed in the press as a baby names expert, recently doing a Ted Talk. Eleanor has three sons, Owen Henri, Jasper Owen and Felix Brian, and a daughter named Josie May.

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