Bariatric Blueprint, The
A Simple Guide to a Successful Lifestyle after Bariatric Surgery
Author: Maggie Hills
Narrated by: Shannon Parks
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When you realize bariatric surgery is more than eating your protein...
If you travel towards an unknown destination, would you rather turn on your GPS knowing which way to go - or would you just start driving "hoping" you'll turn up in the right place?
Having bariatric surgery is like unraveling a blueprint, finding new ways to structure your life afterwards. Because you're bound to run into tons of questions that need answers:
"Why do I feel hungry one day, and am completely full the next?"
"Why does my weight stall and should I do something about it?"
"What can I do about hair loss, dumping syndrome and "the foamies?"
"What are the facts about oral health and tailbone pain?"
"And, should I really be THAT afraid of stretching my stomach?"
No one can predict how you feel after bariatric surgery. But knowing what to expect, takes away part of the guesswork when you're prioritizing the bariatric guidelines while also doing the mindset work.
The Bariatric Blueprint gives you a framework of how life after bariatric surgery looks like, and what strategies you need to maintain long-term success - written from a place of knowledge and compassion.
After reading The Bariatric Blueprint, you:
- have a clear understanding of the basic principles that are required after bariatric surgery
- understand the "why" behind the bariatric guidelines making it easier to remove self-judgment for not meeting your goals right away
- are aware of the greatest nutrition and mindset obstacles in your bariatric journey (the ones that are real dealbreakers for post-op success)
- have a foundation of how to actually rewire your brain along with knowing how to create new habits that last way beyond the honeymoon stage.
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ISBN: 9798347733552
Published: 23rd January 2025
Format: Digital Audiobook
Language: English
Publisher: Arinze Onyeso
Duration: 02:42.53