Barking Mad

Lightning Strikes Series

By: Renae Hayward

Paperback | 1 September 2013

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Barking Mad is a humorous, boy versus dog story for middle to upper primary school kids.

When Alex finds a cute dog for the charity Pet Parade, he thinks he's set. But he finds himself dealing with a scrabble-playing, calculating pooch with a vicious competitive streak. Can Alex control his cunning canine before he sends everyone barking mad?

The Lightning Strikes series aims to encourage a love of reading in children aged 8-14 years. These modern, catchy books will appeal to a new generation of readers demanding fast-paced stories with plenty of variety. An ideal addition to any school reading program, the series has many stylistic features and plot lines that can be studied and explored.

Industry Reviews
Perfect for an hour or two of escape. * Kids' Book Review *
A very funny, easy to read story, and the latest in the Lightning Strikes series, this book is best suited to middle to upper primary students. * Lamont Books *

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