About the Editors xi
Introduction: The Idea of an Unconditional Income for Everyone
Karl Widerquist, Yannick Vanderborght, Jose A. Noguera, and
Jurgen De Wispelaere
Part I: Freedom 1
Introduction: Freedom and Basic Income 2
Karl Widerquist
1. The Psychological Aspects of the Guaranteed Income 5
Erich Fromm
2. The Case for a Negative Income Tax: A View from the Right
Milton Friedman
3. Why Surfers Should Be Fed: The Crazy-Lazy Challenge 17
Philippe Van Parijs
4. Optional Freedoms 23
Elizabeth Anderson
5. A Republican Right to Basic Income 26
Philip Pettit
6. Why We Demand a Basic Income 32
Karl Widerquist
Part II: Justice 39
Introduction: Theories of Justice and Basic Income 40
Karl Widerquist
7. Left-libertarianism and a Global Rent Payment 43
Nicolaus Tideman and Peter Vallentyne
8. Guaranteed Income as a Replacement for the Welfare State
Charles Murray
9. A Capitalist Road to Communism 52
Robert van der Veen and Philippe Van Parijs
10. Why Marxists and Socialists Should Favor Basic Income
Michael Howard
11. Basic Income and the Common Good 62
Bill Jordan
12. Associations and Basic Income 72
Bill Jordan
Part III: Reciprocity and Exploitation 79
Introduction: Reciprocity and Exploitation 80
Karl Widerquist
13. Brief Comments on Leisure Time 85
John Rawls
14. Liberal Equality, Exploitation, and the Case for an
Unconditional Basic Income 87
Stuart White
15. Clamshell Rents? How Resource Equality Causes Exploitation
Gijs Van Donselaar
16. Basic Income and the Work Ethic 101
Brian Barry
17. Fairness to Idleness: Is There a Right Not to Work?
Andrew Levine
18. Basic Income, Self-respect, and Reciprocity 114
Catriona McKinnon
19. Reciprocity and the Guaranteed Income 123
Karl Widerquist
20. The Morality of the Universal Grant Versus the Ethics of
Paid Work 134
Robert van der Veen
Part IV: Feminism 141
Introduction: The Feminist Response to Basic Income 142
Yannick Vanderborght and Karl Widerquist
21. Is One Man?s Ceiling Another Woman?s Floor?
Ann Withorn
22. Why Basic Income does not Promote Gender Equality 149
Ann S. Orloff
23. A Gender Analysis of Basic Income 153
Ingrid Robeyns
24. A Basic Income for Feminists? 163
Tony Fitzpatrick
25. Free-riding and the Household 173
Carole Pateman
26. Promoting Gender Equity Through a Basic Income 178
Ailsa McKay
27. Good for Women 186
Anne Alstott
Part V: Economics 189
Introduction: The Economics of Basic Income 190
Karl Widerquist, Jose A. Noguera, and Yannick
28. The Case for an Income Guarantee 195
James Tobin
29. What Can We Learn from the Agathotopians? 200
James Meade
30. Basic Income and Effi ciency 205
Philippe Van Parijs
31. Basic Income as a Basis for Small Business 210
Bart Nooteboom
32. What (If Anything) Can We Learn from the Negative Income Tax
Experiments? 216
Karl Widerquist
33. Efficiency and Participation: The Basic Income Approach
Bill Jordan
34. Subsidize Wages 235
Edmund Phelps
35. Universal Basic Income and the Flat Tax 240
Herbert A. Simon
36. Democracy and General Welfare 242
James M. Buchanan
37. Basic Income and Social Power 246
Koen Raes
38. Cost Estimates for a Basic Income in the United States
Charles M.A. Clark
Part VI: Post-productivism 259
Introduction: Basic Income as a Post-productivist Policy
Jose A. Noguera and Karl Widerquist
39. Ecologism and Basic Income 263
Tony Fitzpatrick
40. A Green Case for Basic Income? 269
Philippe Van Parijs
41. A Non-productivist Design for Social Policies 275
Claus Offe
42. A Post-productivist Welfare Regime 283
Robert E. Goodin
43. Demoralizing the Labor Market: Could Jobs be Like Cars and
Concerts? 289
Bert Hamminga
44. Beyond the Wage-based Society 297
Andre Gorz
45. The Relevance of Basic Income for Post-industrial Economies
Fred Block
Part VII: Implementation 311
Introduction: The Implementation of Basic Income 312
Karl Widerquist, Jose A. Noguera, Yannick Vanderborght, and
Jurgen De Wispelaere
46. The Shadow of Speenhamland 315
Fred Block and Margaret Somers
47. The Stability of Basic Income 331
Jos de Beus
48. Basic Income and the Welfare State 339
Samuel Brittan
49. Basic Income and Contributory Pensions 346
Jose A. Noguera
50. Basic Income as a Minimally Presumptuous Social Welfare
Policy 351
Robert E. Goodin
51. The Basic Income Guarantee as an Exit Option 357
Joel Handler and Amanda Sheely Babcock
52. Practical Bottlenecks in the Implementation of a Universal
Basic Income 360
Jurgen De Wispelaere and Lindsay Stirton
Part VIII: Institutions 369
Introduction: Institutional Versions and Cognates of Basic
Income 370
Jose A. Noguera
53. A Global Resources Dividend 375
Thomas W. Pogge
54. From Euro-Stipendium to Euro-Dividend 392
Philippe Van Parijs and Yannick Vanderborght
55. Negative Income Tax: The Original Idea 398
Milton Friedman
56. The Case for a Progressive Negative Income Tax 402
Fred Block and Jeff Manza
57. Stakeholding versus Basic Income 417
Bruce Ackerman and Anne Alstott
58. Reciprocity-sensitive Forms of Basic Income 429
Stuart White
59. Participation Income 435
Anthony B. Atkinson
60. The Trilemma of Participation Income 439
Jurgen De Wispelaere and Lindsay Stirton
61. Sabbatical Grants 447
Claus Offe and Johan de Deken
62. A Uniform Refundable Tax Credit 453
Lily L. Batchelder, Fred T. Goldberg Jr., and Peter R.
63. A Household Basic Income 461
Luis Sanzo and Rafael Pinilla
64. A Coming-of-Age Grant versus a Community Capital Grant
Guy Standing
Part IX: Politics 471
Introduction: Politics 472
Yannick Vanderborght, Jose A. Noguera, and Karl
65. Political Strategies for Basic Income 477
David Purdy
66. The Lack of Political Support for an Income by Right
Bill Cavala and Aaron Wildavsky
67. The Ambiguities of Basic Income from a Trade Union
Perspective 497
Yannick Vanderborght
68. Basic Income and Social Europe 509
Fritz Scharpf
69. Is Basic Income Politically Feasible in a Social Europe?
Philippe Van Parijs
70. Basic Income in the South 523
Philippe Van Parijs
71. How Cash Transfers Promote the Case for Basic Income
Guy Standing
72. Basic Income and the New Class Struggle 548
Philippe Van Parijs
73. A ?Package Solution? for Basic Income 555
Claus Offe, Ulrich Muckenberger and Ilona Ostner
74. Pathways from Here 560
Claus Offe
Index 564