Behind the Text : Candid Conversations with Australian Creative Nonfiction Writers - Sue Joseph

Behind the Text

Candid Conversations with Australian Creative Nonfiction Writers

By: Sue Joseph

Paperback | 1 October 2016

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Behind the Text is a celebration of the often forgotten genre of creative nonfiction. Paired with Joseph's rich descriptions of person and place, this collection of candid interviews brings together some of the best Australian authors, covering everything from traumatic wartime journalism and burning national issues to Middle Eastern spices.

In this definitive work, eleven influential authors explore their writing process, ethical dilemmas and connection to the capacious genre. As the first collection of its kind, this work brings Australian creative nonfiction into the literary spotlight. Authors interviewed include Paul McGeough, Doris Pilkington Garimara, Kate Holden, Greg Bearup and Anna Goldsworthy.

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