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Between Worlds - Garret Smith

Between Worlds

By: Garret Smith

Paperback | 11 November 2009

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A Venusian Odyssey To its people, Venus is a bright hemisphere in an unending ocean of cold darkness. To Hunter, it is the Land of Never Change, its civilization as static as its eternally light gray sky. He outfits an expedition to give his people new knowledge of their world, and makes some shocking discoveries. Venus is a sphere, with a light side and a dark side. And above the sky are points of light, one a brilliant blue-white. Hunter refits his ship to withstand the vacuum, and sets out to explore Venus's neighbor in space. It's an odd world, its blue skies and blinding orb giving way to darkness, and vice versa. A troubled world, convulsed in global war. A world called Earth. BETWEEN WORLDS originally appeared as a serial in THE ARGOSY in 1919. This volume marks its first appearance in book form since 1929. This is the second volume in the Thrilling Wonder Stories Origins Series of science fiction from before there was "Science Fiction." Whether they called it "scientific romance," "scientific fiction," "scientifiction," "fantastic mystery," or just "'different' stories," it laid the foundation for a new genre. Thrilling Wonder Stories Origins Series brings back the great authors and stories of the formative years of SF.

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