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Beyond Biomechanics - Biotensegrity : The new paradigm of kinematics and body awareness - Maren Diehl

Beyond Biomechanics - Biotensegrity

The new paradigm of kinematics and body awareness

By: Maren Diehl

Paperback | 4 January 2019

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In this book Maren Diehl describes biotensegrity as a new explanatory model for living bodies and especially horse kinetics, as the alternative paradigm to biomechanics. By connecting biotensegrity with the latest knowledge on myofascial tracks in the horse, the encouraging results of brain research and the 'sphere of possibilities' as a practice field, the author provides another book filled to the brim. It is an invitation to merrily join motoric learning, tensegrity thinking and feeling, problem-solving processes and personal development. As difficult as the topic might initially appear: anyone who still has pleasure in contemplation or would like to reawaken their enthusiasm for learning and researching in the real, creative sense is well served with this book.

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