Notes on Contributors.
Foreword (Mahzarin R. Banaji).
Introduction (Eugene Borgida and Susan T. Fiske).
Part I Psychological Science on Stereotyping, Prejudice, and
1 Race, Crime, and Antidiscrimination (R. Richard Banks,
Jennifer L. Eberhardt, and Lee Ross).
2 Discrimination in America and Legal Strategies for Reducing It
(Faye J. Crosby and John F. Dovidio).
3 The Young Science of Prejudice Against Older Adults:
Established Answers and Open Questions About Ageism (Todd D.
4 Gender Prejudice: On the Risks of Occupying Incongruent Roles
(Alice H. Eagly and Anne M. Koenig).
5 From the Laboratory to the Bench: Gender Stereotyping Research
in the Courtroom (Laurie A. Rudman, Peter Glick, and Julie E.
6 (Un)common Knowledge: The Legal Viability of Sexual Harassment
Research (Louise F. Fitzgerald and Linda L.
7 Subjectivity in the Appraisal Process: A Facilitator of Gender
Bias in Work Settings (Madeline E. Heilman and Michelle C.
Part II Psychological Science on Legal System
8 Eyewitness Identifi cation: Issues in Common Knowledge and
Generalization (Gary L. Wells and Lisa E. Hasel).
9 Repressed and Recovered Memory (Elizabeth F. Loftus,
Maryanne Garry, and Harlene Hayne).
10 Expert Testimony on the Psychology of Confessions: A
Pyramidal Framework of the Relevant Science (Saul M.
11 Polygraph Testing (William G. Iacono).
12 Social Science and the Evolving Standards of Death Penalty
Law (Phoebe C. Ellsworth and Samuel R. Gross).
13 Pretrial Publicity: Effects, Remedies, and Judicial Knowledge
(Margaret Bull Kovera and Sarah M. Greathouse).
14 Media Violence, Aggression, and Public Policy (Craig A.
Anderson and Douglas A. Gentile).
Part III Commentaries.
15 The Limits of Science in the Courtroom (David L.
16 Research on Eyewitness Testimony and False Confessions
(Margaret A. Berger).
17 Commentary on Research Relevant to Sex Discrimination and
Sexual Harassment (Barbara A. Gutek).
18 The Tenuous Bridge Between Research and Reality: The
Importance of Research Design in Inferences Regarding Work Behavior
(Frank J. Landy).
19 Psychological Contributions to Evaluating Witness Testimony
(Shari Seidman Diamond).
20 Beyond Common-sense Understandings of Sex and Race
Discrimination (R. Richard Banks).
21 Behavioral Realism in Law: Reframing the Discussion About
Social Science' Place in Antidiscrimination Law and Policy
(Linda Hamilton Krieger).