Bicycling : A Reintroduction : A Visual Guide to Choosing, Repairing, Maintaining & Operating a Bicycle - Karen Ruth

Bicycling : A Reintroduction

A Visual Guide to Choosing, Repairing, Maintaining & Operating a Bicycle

By: Karen Ruth

Paperback | 15 May 2011

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Interest in bicycling is growing rapidly, with worldwide industry sales up 10 to 25% per year over the past decade.

There are currently 450 million bicycles owned in the US, with over 60 million adult riders.

Interest in commuting (gas prices), health and fitness (boomers retiring), and environmental concerns (zero emissions) are converging to make bicycling a subject area of continued high growth.

This book is designed as an introduction to bicycling, and features current information along with professional quality step-by-step and identification photos.

About the Author

Karen Ruth is a massage therapist, writer, and cyclist in Minneapolis. She has cycle toured (self-supported) across the US, in Canada, France, and Ireland. She rides a Terry Symmetry for fun and a Motobecane mixte (free for the trash) for commuting and errand running.
Industry Reviews
LIBRARY JOURNAL.COM"Riding a bike may be, well, like riding a bike, but the materials and skills associated with biking (bicycle styles, safety gear, security, road rules, tools, supplies, etc.) can still pass you by. If this reintroduction to the phenomenon of bicycling reminds you of a keenly presented primer for children it's because this is an earnest sport. Certain aspects of biking can slip an amateur biker's mind. Yes, there's a nostalgic ring to the idea that there's no such thing as an obvious breakdown, but because certain aspects of cycling don't involve muscle memory we can forget which hand signals mean what, how to patch a tire, or even what to look for when buying a bike. This is an excellent overview, clearly presented with exceptional visual detail--a one-stop primer worth 100 Wikipedia searches--best for hobby cyclists and beginners, or, ahem, re-cyclists."BEST SELF ATLANTA"The thrill of riding your first bike is not easily forgotten, and the new book "Bicycling: A Reintroduction" aims to recapture that excitement. Whether you are interested in a leisurely bike ride through Piedmont Park or want to get into mountain biking, this book also gives you all the information you need on the right bike for you, appropriate clothing, helmets, maintenance and repair and more."

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