Billie Eilish Ultimate Guide - Sally Morgan

Billie Eilish Ultimate Guide

By: Sally Morgan

Paperback | 3 December 2019 | Edition Number 1

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Find out everything there is to know about the up-and-coming hit artist Billie Eilish Full of photos, interviews, lyrics, and more A "Lovely" must-buy for Billie Eilish fans. 100% unofficial

Billie Eilish has taken the music world by storm With her unique sound and statement style, Billie is one of a kind. Discover everything from what happened when Billie got her start with the viral hit "Ocean Eyes" to how her chart-topping collab with Khalid, "Lovely," came to be.

Packed with fantastic facts, top tips, and insider info, this book has everything you need to know about the music megastar!

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