Preface. A. Rikli. A Great-Grandson's Perspective. UV Measurement and Photobiological Evaluation. Measurement of Photobiologically Weighted Irradiances and Exposures; W. Heering. Detectors for UV Measurement - State-of-the-Art and New Developments; A. Gugg-Helminger. Measurement of Photobiological Exposure of Ocular Tissues; D.H. Sliney. UVR Measurement Error Sources: Spectral Response of Filtered Broadband Detectors; R. Angelo. Pulsed UVB Irradiation converts 7-Dehydrocholesterol to Previtamin D3 and Photoproducts; D.G. Changaris, et al. Assessment of Design Configurations for the Therapeutic Use of Daylight; P.G. Mead. Visual Significance of Yellow Optical Filters; S. Zigman. Suntanning and Pigmentation. The Role of DNA Damage in Melanogenesis: Potential Role for Telomeres; M.S. Eller, et al. How Much Photoprotection Does a Tan Afford? A.R. Young. Production and Persistence of UV-Induced Tan; S.A. Miller, et al. Effectiveness of Tanning Procedures; J.C. van der Leun. Effects of Topically Applied Glycolic Acid (GA) on the Sensitivity of Human Skin to UV-Induced Damage; K. Kaidbey, et al. Quantitative Evaluation of Pigmentation Following Repeated UV Irradiation by Microflash Spectrophotometer; F.N. Chimeh, M.R. Holick. Validation of a Sun-Exposure Questionnaire for Adolescent Girls; J. Cobb, et al. Vitamin D and Bone Health. Seasonal Changes in the IGF Regulatory System and the Relationship to Bone Loss in Elderly Women; C.J. Rosen, et al. Vitamin D: Importance for Bone Health, Cellular Health and Cancer Prevention; M.F. Holick; Impact of Vitamin D and Calcium on Bone and Mineral Metabolism in Older Adults; B. Dawson-Hughes. Hypovitaminosis D Myopathy; H. Glerup, E.F. Eriksen. Effects of Dietary Vitamin D and UVB Irradiance on voluntary Exposure to Ultraviolet Light, Growth and Survival of the Panther Chameleon Furcifer pardalis; G.W. Ferguson, et al. Production of Previtamin D3 by a Mercury Arc Lamp and a Hybrid Incandescent -- Mercury Arc Lamp; E.A. Holick. Vitamin D Insufficiency is Common and Underdiagnosed in African American Female Patients; S. Shewakramani, et al. Non-Calcemic Effects of Vitamin D. The Role of Ultraviolet Radiation on Cardiocirculatory Regulation and on Cardiovascular Risk; R. Krause, et al. Vitamin D Autocrine System and Cancer; T.C. Chen, M.F. Holick. The Epidermal Vitamin D System; S. Segaert, et al. Vitamin D and the Big Three: Cancers of the Colon, Breast, and Prostate; G.G. Schwartz. An Ecologic Study of the Role of Solar UV-B Radiation in Reducing the Risk of Cancer Using Cancer Mortality Data, Dietary Supply Data, and Latitute for European Countris; W.B. Grant. A Reduced 25-Hydroxyvitamin D-1a-Hydroxylase Activity in Human Prostate Cancer Cells Can be Restored by Gene Transfer; M. Young, et al; Vitamin D, Sunlight and Colon Cancer: The Implications for the Presence of the 1a-Hydroxylase in the Normal and Malignant Colon Cancer Tissue; V. Tangpricha, et al. Photoimmunology. Utraviolet A Radiation-Induced Signal Transduction in Human Keratinocytes; J. Krutmann, S. Grether-Beck. UVB and UVA-1 Effects on HIV Activation; P.D. Cruz Jr. Clinical Relevance of UVA1-Induced T-Cell Apoptosis; A. Morita, J. Krutmann. In Vitro Function of Double-Dose Platelets Treated with the Pathogen Inactivation Helinx(t) Technology; K. Janetzko, et al. Photomedicine and Photobiologic Aspects in Skin. Light in the Treatment of Skin Disease; H. Honigsmann. Development of Personal UVB Sensor: Detection of Previtamin D Photosynthesis; I. Gvozdovskyy, I. Terenetskaya. Light Emitting Diodes for Phototherapy for the Control of Jaundice; H.J. Vreman, et al. Differential Effects of Ultraviolet A and Ultraviolet B Radiation on Risk of Melanoma: Epidemiological Evidence; C.G. Garland, et al. Combination Therapy of Melanoma Cells with Photoradiation and Sonolysis; N. Miyoshi, et al. DNA Damage Caused by Photoexcited Ketoprofen Measured by the Comet Assay; A.L. Vinette, et al. Photosensitization of Hepatitis A Virus and Other Non-Enveloped RNA Viruses by Meso-Substituted Porphyrins in Water and Human Plasma; M.J. Casteel, et al. Real-Time Quantitative Reverse Transciptase-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) Analysis of the Vitamin D Pathway in UV Irradiated Keratinocytes; J.N. Flanagan, et al. Biologic Clocks. Light and the Regulation of Mammalian Circadian Clock Genes; M.H. Hastings, et al. Entrainment of the Drosophila Circadian Clock by Light; F. Lin, A. Sehgal. Molecular Regulation of the Xenopus Circadian Clock; C.B. Green. The Role of Melanopsin and Other Opsins in Circadian Clock Resetting; I. Provencio. Circadian Rhythms. Action Spectrum for Melatonin Suppression: Evidence for a Novel Circadian Photoreceptor in the Human Eye; G.C. Brainard, J.P. Hanifin. Entrainment of the Non-24-Hour Circadian Period of the Human Biological Clock to the 24-Hour Day; K.P. Wright Jr., C.A. Czeisler. Index.