Block Teaching Essentials : A Practical Guide - John Weldon
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Block Teaching Essentials

A Practical Guide

By: John Weldon (Editor), Loretta Konjarski (Editor)

Paperback | 10 February 2025

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This textbook is written by an experienced team of international block teaching experts and administrators. This textbook addresses the need for more research and writing on the topic and provides in-depth, authoritative, theoretical, and practical information on block teaching. It covers the essentials a block educator might need to succeed in that field, whether in secondary, vocational, and/or higher education. It also offers administrators insights into how the block might work in their institution. This textbook comprehensively covers all aspects of the process from the pre-planning exploratory stage, right through to delivery in the classroom and review. Written by an international team of expert block-based educators and administrators, the book provides clear theoretical and practical frameworks that allow for practitioners to build expertise in the design, delivery, and ongoing review and development of block-based courses and the institutional changes needed to make this possible. The chapters within are also templated, making them purposeful, practical, and easy for educators to realize in their classrooms and for students to follow. They include case studies and other didactic elements drawn from student and educator experience to provide opportunities for students to critically reflect on, and practically improve, their teaching philosophy and practice.

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