Blockchain Application Security : How to Design Secure and Attack Resilient Blockchain Applications - Marco Morana

Blockchain Application Security

How to Design Secure and Attack Resilient Blockchain Applications

By: Marco Morana, Harpreet Singh

Hardcover | 7 October 2025 | Edition Number 1

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Learn to secure, build, implement, and test future blockchain applications

Blockchain was originally introduced in the crypto-currency of Bitcoin in order to keep track of transactions over a peer-to-peer network to prevent the double-spending of bitcoin. This distributed ledger technology, however, has developed a reputation as a disruptive technology for the transfer of values and disintermediation. Despite this reputation, blockchain is, simply, at its core, a data structure—in this case, a cryptographic hash chain of blocks of transactions—continually replicated and maintained in a distributed manner by a peer-to-peer network of hosts. Together they decide through a specific consensus protocol, what transactions can be registered or added to the blockchain.

Blockchain Application Security introduces the reader to the architecture and components of blockchain, as well as blockchain and bitcoin protocol, aimed at a basic level of understanding of the technical perspective. The book discusses the benefits, the vulnerabilities, and even the design flaws found in blockchain applications. It also teaches how to manage the risks of blockchain by deciding how digital assets, data confidentiality, and data availability should be protected from unauthorized access.

Blockchain Application Security readers will also find:

  • An exploration of source code and core APIs relevant to blockchain
  • A glossary of common terminology used for blockchain
  • Real cases of blockchain applications to illustrate points

Blockchain Application Security is an ideal resource for application architects, software developers, security auditors, and vulnerability testers of enterprise-based blockchain applications.

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