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Blood Type and Personality 3.0 : Reality Proved by 300,000 People and AI - Masayuki Kanazawa

Blood Type and Personality 3.0

Reality Proved by 300,000 People and AI

By: Masayuki Kanazawa

Paperback | 27 March 2018

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Which blood type is suitable for athletes or politicians? Is there blood type compatibility? Can psychology explain blood type personality theory? Do blood types affect brain waves? Can AI predict your blood type? The answers are here. A bold approach to the core of blood type and personality mystery, based on surveys of over 300,000 people. Uncover dozens of evidences: World politics, Asian sports, Japanese entertainments, love affairs, brain waves, psychological personality tests and so on. Also Include a pioneering personality analysis with AI. Contents: 1. Introduction to Blood Type Humanics 2. Blood Type Moves World Politics 3. Blood Type Mover Asian Sports 4. Basics of Blood Type and Personality 5. Characteristics of Your Blood Type 6. Blood Type and Love Affairs 7. Blood Type and Psychology 8. Toward Blood Type and Personality 3.0

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