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Bold School : Old School Wisdom + New School Technologies = Blended Learning That Works - Weston Kieschnick

Bold School

Old School Wisdom + New School Technologies = Blended Learning That Works

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Technology is awesome. Teachers are better. Blending new technologies into instruction is a non-negotiable if we are to help our students gain the skills they'll need to thrive in careers. And so too is educators' old school wisdom in planning intentional blended learning that works. Too often, sincere enthusiasm for technologies pushes proven instructional strategies to the wayside, all but guaranteeing blended learning that is all show and no go. Bold School is a book that restores teachers to their rightful place in effective instruction. Bold School thinkers embrace Blended pedagogies and Old school wisdom. In Bold School, teachers are put back into the blended learning equation. Blended learning is demystified and distilled into the powerful, yet simple Bold School Framework for Strategic Blended Learning-a methodology to help you meld purposeful technology use with your old school wisdom to enhance instruction and learning. After all, the goal of blended learning isn't technology-it's student achievement. With a Bold School mindset, every teacher is capable of finally delivering on the promise of blended learning.


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