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Adam Smith Goes to Moscow : A Dialogue on Radical Reform - Walter Adams

Adam Smith Goes to Moscow

A Dialogue on Radical Reform

By: Walter Adams, James W. Brock, Robert Heilbroner (Foreword by)

Paperback | 4 October 1994

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Adam Smith Goes to Moscow is a captivating dialogue between the head of a hypothetical, formerly socialist East European country and a fervently market-minded American adviser. Their spirited give-and-take highlights the monumental political as well as economic complexities currently faced by the former Soviet bloc countries as they struggle to transform themselves into free market economies.

Industry Reviews
"This is a gem of a book... the complex issues of the economic transformation to the market in Eastern Europe are ingeniously explored... The flow of the dialogue is concise, fast, and intellectually robust... a brilliant and fascinating read."--Times Higher Education Supplement "... offers a lively and thoughtful reconsideration of the Big Bang approach to economic repair... provides an imaginatively conceived introduction to the critical intellectual debates around how to fix the Russian economy..."--Toronto Globe and Mail "It is refreshing to read a piece of scholarship based on such careful research on both sides of a vital issue... This is important scholarship only thinly disguised as fiction. It deserves a wide audience."--William S. Brown, Journal of Economic Issues

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