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Contributions to the Theory of Partial Differential Equations. (AM-33), Volume 33 : Annals of Mathematics Studies - Lipman Bers

Contributions to the Theory of Partial Differential Equations. (AM-33), Volume 33

By: Lipman Bers, Salomon Trust, Fritz John

Paperback | 30 March 1955

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A classic treatment of partial differential equations from the acclaimed Annals of Mathematics Studies series

Princeton University Press is proud to have published the Annals of Mathematics Studies since 1940. One of the oldest and most respected series in science publishing, it has included many of the most important and influential mathematical works of the twentieth century. The series continues this tradition as Princeton University Press publishes the major works of the twenty-first century.

To mark the continued success of the series, all books are available in paperback and as ebooks.

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