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The Travels of Marco Polo (Barnes & Noble Library of Essential Reading) : Barnes & Noble Library of Essential Reading - Marco Polo

The Travels of Marco Polo (Barnes & Noble Library of Essential Reading)

By: Marco Polo, Paul Smethurst (Introduction by)

Paperback | 16 July 2005

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"The Travels of Marco Polo" is unquestionably one of the world's greatest travel books and the memoir of the West's most famous traveler. Composed in 1298, the book describes Marco Polo's travels across the entire continent of Asia and provides the only comprehensive travelogue of a European traveler in the East in the Middle Ages. In a magisterial geographical sweep, "The Travels of Marco Polo" traces Polo's epic journey to the farthest reaches of Asia. Polo guides his readers through a realm of pygmies, exotic plants and beasts, fine silks, spices, legends, ornate palaces and cannibalism. His exuberant and sometimes hyperbolic style had untold impact on the European imagination.
Industry Reviews
"A timeless addition to any travel collection."

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