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Wild Times at the Bed and Biscuit : Bed & Biscuit - Joan Carris

Wild Times at the Bed and Biscuit

By: Joan Carris, Noah Z. Jones (Illustrator)

Hardcover | 1 February 2010

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The Bed and Biscuit is going wild Kids will laugh at -- and learn from -- this new adventure, as Grampa takes in some ailing critters who are anything but tame.
Ever since Grampa Bender opened his doors (and veterinary skills) to a despondent Canada goose, a cranky muskrat, and two tiny but rebellious fox kits, his animal boarding house has been turned upside down. Luckily, Ernest the mini-pig is on hand to marshal the other animals into being good hosts -- but since wild things are, well, wild by nature, it has been trickier than he imagined. Plus Ernest is trying to train Sir Walter, the Scottish terrier puppy who is the newest addition to the family. But what if Sir Walter doesn't want to be told what to do and decides that running wild like a fox sounds like lots of fun?

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