On My Journey Now : Looking at African-American History Through the Spirituals - Nikki Giovanni

On My Journey Now

Looking at African-American History Through the Spirituals

By: Nikki Giovanni

Paperback | 1 January 2010

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"The intimate, unpretentious talk about familiar songs will grab readers, who will want to find out more about the inspiring history." -- BOOKLIST (starred review)
Ever since she was a little girl attending three different churches, poet Nikki Giovanni has loved the spirituals. Now, with the passion of a poet and the knowledge of a historian, she paints compelling portraits of the lives of her ancestors through the words of songs such as "Go Down, Moses" and "Ain't Got Time to Die," celebrating a people who overcame enslavement and found a way to survive, to worship, and to build.
Industry Reviews
The intimate, unpretentious talk about familiar songs will grab readers who want to find out more about the inspiring history.
--Booklist (starred review)

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