Who We Are! : All about Being the Same and Being Different - Robie H. Harris

Who We Are!

All about Being the Same and Being Different

By: Robie H. Harris, Nadine Bernard Westcott (Illustrator)

Hardcover | 1 March 2016

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"New York Times "best-selling author Robie H. Harris helps preschoolers understand what makes us who we are from our height to our hair, from the shade of our skin to our eyesight. Join Nellie, Gus, baby Jake, and their parents at Funland as they go on rides, watch performers, and play games along with many other children and grown-ups.

As they enjoy their excursion, they and young readers notice that people are the same as one another in lots of ways, and different in lots of ways too.

Accessible, humorous, family-filled illustrations; conversations between Gus and Nellie; and straightforward text come together to help children realize why it s important to treat others the way they want to be treated and the way "you" want to be treated whether a person is a lot like you or different from you, a good friend or someone you have just met or seen for the first time."

About the Author

Robie H. Harris is the trusted and highly acclaimed author of numerous books for children, including It s Perfectly Normal, It s So Amazing!, and It s NOT the Stork!, essential guides for children on bodies, babies, families, and health. She is also the author of the first four books in the Let s Talk About YOU and ME series. She lives in New York City. Nadine Bernard Westcott is the illustrator of more than a hundred books, including the first four books in the Let s Talk About YOU and ME series. She lives in Massachusetts.
Industry Reviews
This title continues Harris and Westcott's Let's Talk about You and Me series of books, which makes abstract concepts accessible to young readers and their adults. Their newest follows an interracial family through an amusement park--where better to find a kaleidoscope of humans?

Presenting several diverse families enjoying the various attractions at an amusement park, Harris explores the numerous ways that people are alike and different...Westcott's signature child-friendly cartoon illustrations support and expand the theme of the text. Crisp and clear, the images depict a variety of individuals--children in wheelchairs, a woman in a hijab, a man wearing a turban, and a boy wearing a yarmulke--and add charm and invite repeated examination.
--School Library Journal

Through the easily comprehended text, the colorful digital illustrations, and the insightful conversations between Gus and Millie, young children will come to understand the important message about people--no matter how similar and different they are, they are all very much the same. This story is an excellent tool for use in early elementary classrooms to discuss the similarities and differences of people.
--School Library Connection

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