Phoebe And Digger - Tricia Springstubb

Phoebe And Digger

By: Tricia Springstubb, Jeff Newman (Illustrator)

Paperback | 1 August 2016

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When Mama got a new baby, Phoebe got a new digger. And when Mama is busy with the baby, Phoebe and Digger are busy, too. Finally, Mama says it's time to go to the park, the one with real dirt, where Phoebe and Digger happily build and knock down and dig things up. That is, until a big girl comes by, with mean teeth and grabby hands. Phoebe tries everything she can, but what if she never gets Digger back? Comical illustrations and a spot on story are sure to make readers of all ages smile in recognition.

Touches on important topics - bullying, sibling displacement, playing nice, and non-gendered toys. Bright, fun illustrations and an emotionally resonant story will make this a picture book favorite. Perfect for preschoolers and the storytime crowd.

About the Author

Tricia Springstubb is the author of What Happened on Fox Street and Two Plus One Make Trouble, as well as several other children's books. A former children's librarian, she lives in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, USA.

Jeff Newman is an award-winning artist and author of children's books, with many years of experience in the fields of illustration, animation and graphic design. He lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.
Industry Reviews
Nuanced and humorous, this is a worthy addition to the new-sibling shelf.
--Kirkus Reviews

Readers will cheer for sloe-eyed Phoebe as she veers from mischievous grin to slow burn and back again, just as they will covet Digger, the most expressive steam shovel since Mike Mulligan's Mary Anne.
--Publishers Weekly

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