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Patients Beyond Borders : Taiwan - Josef Woodman

Patients Beyond Borders


By: Josef Woodman

Paperback | 13 August 2013 | Edition Number 2

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Taiwan is a "rising global healthcare tiger," offering new choices in excellent, affordable healthcare to patients around the world. So much so that Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman has praised Taiwan's healthcare and national health insurance as among the best in the world. This new edition of Patients Beyond Borders: Taiwan is the first comprehensive, easy-to-understand guide to medical tourism in Taiwan. Whether you are seeking knee or hip replacement, cancer treatment, weight loss surgery, cosmetic procedures, or heart surgery, Patients Beyond Borders is the best way to become an informed health traveler and explore the services and savings of a medical trip to Taiwan. Chinese-speaking healthcare consumers everywhere will have access to concise information, checklists, "dos and don'ts," and all the information they need to make safe, intelligent, cost-effective decisions about your healthcare in Taiwan. Also includes are profiles of Taiwan's top hospitals and clinics with up-to-date information on treatment specialties, accreditation, as well as "The Medical Traveler's Essentials" for Taiwan attractions, accommodations, and more.

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