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Colonial History in Your Hands : A Colonial Coin Colector's Collection - Peter Jones

Colonial History in Your Hands

A Colonial Coin Colector's Collection

By: Peter Jones

Hardcover | 15 August 2020

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Colonial History in Your Hands is about colonial American coins. A lifelong collector, Jones explores different classification systems of colonial coins, then gives the fascinating stored behind each coin with up to date scholarship on the current thoughts about each series. The book is profusely illustrated with color photos, and includes full page pictures of almost 300 coins. The book is hard back with 597 pages. Foreword by John Kraljevich.
Sections include:
British royal authorized coins
French royal authorized coins
French Royal domestic export for the colonies
Locally made tokens and coins
Imported token coinage
State Coinage and imitation halfpence
Proposed and actual federal pieces
Optional colonial collectibles (Washingtonia, Condor Tokens, Commodity money, Common Foreign trade coins, little used
pieces, and coins which should not be in the Red Book).
There is an extensive glossary which includes:
numismatic terms,
parts of a coins,
English, French and Mexican metrology
US GDP, population, and labor costs from 1790 to 2017
Colonial English, Spanish, French and Portuguese rulers
Historical metrology and fineness
Full page illustrations of 27 foreign coins specified in the Journals of Continental Congress.
13 page index.
If you have any interest in colonial American history, colonial American coins, or numismatics in general, this reference book is eminently readable and a must for your collection.

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