Maisy Dresses Up : A Maisy Story Book - Lucy Cousins

Maisy Dresses Up

A Maisy Story Book

By: Lucy Cousins

Paperback | 7 April 2011

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Join Maisy and her friends as they get ready for a fancy-dress party.

Maisy is a colourful, lovable mouse with a nose for adventure.

Maisy has animal friends and toys who share her world, including Cyril the squirrel, Tallulah the chick, Charley the crocodile, Eddie the elephant, and her favourite Panda toy.

About the Author

Lucy Cousins is one of today's most acclaimed author-illustrators of children's books. Her unique titles fascinate babies, toddlers, and preschoolers with their child-like simplicity, bold outlines, and vivid colours. The engaging adventures of characters such as Maisy reflect the familiar experiences that young children have every day. Maisy does things that children all over the world do, Lucy Cousins says of her superstar mouse. The way she dresses, the way she acts, are typical of children all over the world.

A global phenomenon, Maisybooks have sold over 21 million copies worldwide and are available in 29 different languages. Other titles include Smarties Book Prize-winner Jazzy in the Jungle, Hooray for Fish! - which now appears in animation in Japan - and the new bestseller New York Times Top 10 Children's Book Yummy. Lucy lives in Hampshire with her partner and four children.
Industry Reviews
A sweet tale of friendship that teaches animal and colour identification. Junior
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